Operation Video

Slotless Brushless DC Motor Lear Screw Linear Actuator - Medical Application

Jiangsu DINGS’ offers high performance of Sotless Brushless DC Motor as a lead screw linear actuator form factors – External and Captive design.
DINGS’ offers16, 22, 38, 36 and 42mm diameter of Slotless Brushless DC Motor as a motor itself, hollow shaft and combination with planetary gearboxes and high resolution of encoders.
In addition, DINGS’ newly designed 22mm diameter and 32mm motor body length of Slotless Brushless DC Motor as a lead screw linear actuator because this product is specially created for Cosmetology applications.
General stepper lead screw linear actuators have widely used in Cosmetology applications in last decade and recently there is huge demand for faster speed operation where steppers are unable to realize.
DINGS’ has designed 2232 Slotless Brushless DC Motor to fulfill these demands from market field and officially published KIMES 2023 trade show last month in Korea.
For more information, please visit www.dingsmotion.com or contact daniel@dingsmotion.com