Operation Video

High Speed, High Response Voice Coil Motor

Jiangsu DINGS' has sold various size and stroke based Voice Coil Motor and Voice Coil Actuator and this video shows 30mm diameter of Voice Coil Motor runs as closed loop control via 1um of linear encoder and Mini Driver which supports EtherCAT & CANopn both.
DINGS' Voice Coil Motors are lined up from 12.7mm diameter to 100mm diameter and for sure, it also can be customized up to 150mm or 200mm.
Key advantages of DINGS' Voice Coil Motor are flexible for customization of diameter and stroke to achieve customer's special demand.
In general, Voice Coil Motor can be run at high frequency movement but also DINGS' is able to provide not only Voice Coil Motor but also mechanical module, linear scale and closed loop driver as one single package.
Due to high frequency movement, Voice Coil Motor movement generates high vibration and shock so rigid mechanical assembly and precise feedback to driver or controller via linear encoder.
In addition, DINGS' offers Miniature but very powerful driver to support EtherCAT & CANopen in single kit.
DS-BVM Mini driver supports Max. 3A rated current and 6A peak current.

For more details, please contact daniel@dingsmotion.com